
Over 2000 global brands to choose from

Send as much or as little as you want

Send to 1 or multiple recipients locally or internationally.
Gifting on ZeGidPay is effortless.

Ditch physical cards.

Send digital gift cards in minutes. Track delivery and redemption in real time

Get the App  Send a Gift Card

Introducing SendFlexi™

Send a fixed amount and let recipients choose their preferred payout method.


Let recipients redeem funds in their prefered cryptocurrencies


Send recipients fractional shares from leading international companies.

Gift Card

Cards from thousands of international merchants that recipients love.


Payouts to anyone, anywhere in over 30 currencies.

Show them that show care. Personalize the gift cards with notes.

Get the App  Send a Gift Card

Get started in 3 easy steps

It's easier than you think.

Step 1

Create your Account

Step 2

Connect Payment Method

Step 3

Start Sending

Ready, Set, Pay!

Create an account, and take control of your payments, online sales, and build amazing financial tools.

Get Started
ZeGid is a financial platform, not a bank. Banking services provided by ZeGid's bank partner(s). Debit cards are issued by issuing partners. An account with ZeGid is required to send and receive money.

ZeGid does not store your money or charge you added card without authentication from you. Through ZegidPay’s licenses and partnerships with partner banks, ZeGid is authorized to process deposits and refunds into users bank accounts.

Securities brokerage services are provided by Securities partner, member FINRA/SIPC

This is not an offer, solicitation of an offer, or advice to buy or sell securities or cryptocurrencies, or open a brokerage account or cryptocurrency account in any jurisdiction where our Securities partners are not registered or licensed, as applicable.

No content on this website shall be considered as a recommendation or solicitation for the purchase or sale of securities. Stock companies are shown for illustrative purposes only and are not endorsements.

All screen images are for illustrative purposes only.